# PalaLauncher4Linux A live patcher for Paladium Games launcher to allow launching games on Linux ## Compiling Compiling should be easy and done automatically on any IDE that uses `pom.xml` files. In my case, I use Pulsar (Atom's continuation) with its `ide-java` package and it works well. Just don't forget to compile for Java 8 for better compatibility with the launcher. ## Packaging This is pretty straightforward, just make a `.jar` file with the contents of the `target/classes` folder and add the contents of a [Javassist .jar](https://github.com/jboss-javassist/javassist/releases) into the .jar previously made. ## Using Simple, just add `-javaagent:path/to/the/built.jar` before `-jar` when you start the launcher located in the `~/paladium-games` folder. Also be sure to use Java 8 for better compatibility.